Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
home for the holidays
Rules for a successful holiday:
1. Get together with the family
2. Relive old times
3. Get out before it blows (Brian Andreas)
Friday, December 18, 2009
missing the guinea hen
I have nothing left to give
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Mickey G
Mickey G. and me are lovers.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Everyone carries around his own monsters
video copyright Rhonda Prince 2009
Music Credits: Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da by The Beatles
Thursday, November 26, 2009
your voice
Friday, November 13, 2009
voices and visions (for Brandon)
In primary hues,
“I haven’t been able to do
this sort of thing for about two years,”
They are not his patterns.
The voices from his past life
channel their creativity
through him.
The hippie jet has no missiles
It comes in peace.
Jesus is on the cross
even though
He is reincarnated, no
that’s not right…resurrected.
The butterfly becomes a rabbit
Look inside the box this time
Saturday, November 7, 2009
silence of the goats
I am a total, certified, card-carrying, hopeless sap. Why do I let movies do this to me? My daughter and I like to go to movies together. The tricky thing is she lives in Boca Raton, Florida. So we find movies that are playing at the same time and go together by cell phone until we reach the theater. Then travel home again via cell phone to discuss the movie. Sappy, I know! But we enjoy it. Tonight we went to see Men Who Stare At Goats. Great cast, great premise...was looking forward to a funny, escapist type movie. Seems I don't do escapist... I escape in the story but I still find meaning and relevance to my life in most everything, it's the same with books, always looking for that magical scene or sentence or even word that will transform me into 'being all I can be' (a catch phrase in the movie)...And all the important themes were there - failure, loss, taking risks, discovering your destiny, memento mori, belief, belief in yourself, belief in others, belief in something bigger than yourself, belief in the universe, all wrapped up in a laugh out loud cinematic treat. But then one of the characters, Bob, asked another character, Bill, the BIG question...the one I want an answer to more than anything else..."Do you believe in redemption?" You'll have to see the movie to find out his response but as for me, at least for today, I'm going to believe in redemption. The challenge is finding my own personal redemption...and recognizing it for what it is...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
What is art?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
not there yet
-Jorge Luis Borges
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
everything being a constant carnival...
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
day 8 - fly away home
Yes back in the car with my cd's and cameras. Many pictures yet to be developed and edited. The shots I missed preserved in memory. One of the lone zebra roaming in a herd of brown cows...why didn't I go back for that one?
Returning home with new resolve to face my problems and make changes. You know how it is when you go away from your normal routine and suddenly there is clarity! THIS is what must be done...THIS is what needs to happen....THIS is what I will do now that I see things clearly. You know how it goes...
I was listening to Don Quixote on the way home. Fighting his windmills and trying to right all the wrongs ...inspiring character even if he was a bit daft...aren't we all? He said that, "he was spurred on by the conviction that the world needed his immediate presence." I don't think the world needs my immediate presence...but I do know I need to be present in my world...every day...every moment.
The list of what I see clearly now is on to the work at hand...home is where I should be for now...
Monday, October 26, 2009
day 7 - nothing really
I'm ready to go home, ready to stay, ready to make a change...
Saturday, October 24, 2009
day 6 - being defensive
Friday, October 23, 2009
day 5 - expanding horizons
Thursday, October 22, 2009
day 4 - Tiny Dancer revisited...
On the way I discovered a little town called Yeehaw Junction. There was a building called Desert Inn that held the history of the town. Over the years it has been the jail, the saloon, a restaurant, and even a brothel. Yeehaw is Indian (west not east) for wolf because as late as 1920 there were rare dire wolves in the area. The town was once called Jackass Junction but when the Florida Turnpike was built the powers that be decided the name should be changed to something more sedate and polite.

Spent time with Tiny Dancer...dinner and 'Where the Wild Things Are" Great movie, the lines were so perfect we found ourselves repeating them over and over on the way home.

Not much to say today...just family time... falling asleep now...
Song for the day: How does it feel? How does it feel? To be on your own, With no direction home, Like a complete unknown, Like a rolling stone... (Bob Dylan)
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
day 3 - Gwendolyn and Leonard

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Day 2
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Road Trip - Day One

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
this way out

I want to be lost,
adrift in the silence of om,
floundering in peril,
forgetting past blunders,
breaking old patterns,
mystified by the beauty of the puzzle.
I want to love the bewildered,
study their aimless truth,
follow their disoriented paths,
hold tight their hands as we
leap into the baffling rift,
between now and forever.
I want to travel in confusion,
go astray into dark rooms,
where others fear to enter,
to find the secrets of the forlorn,
in the haven of the perplexed.
And there I will find rest.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
wild dogs

Enough already
she told me to say.
He said to end my
attraction to the past
and find adventure.
He touched her
pink shirt with
warm fingers of love
and I finally knew
he was where he should be.
Leaving me with the cobbler,
staring at my shoes,
and calculating the cost
before I even asked.
finding what I need while
smoking cigarettes and
drinking whiskey.
the moon coaxing me
to leave myself and
run with the wild dogs,
in search of the lost path.
If you hear my story
cry for me,
smile for me
rescue me...
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Now showing...

One of the things I enjoy most about photography (besides taking pictures) is the community of photographers I have met and correspond with from all over the world. Today I was pleased to present Alfredo Muñoz de Oliveira and his amazing work. Check it out if you have the time!
Monday, September 28, 2009
beloved be the one who sits down

Today I am staying home from work recovering from a cold or the flu or something...watching the dark comedy, Songs from the Second Floor inspired by the poem Stumble Between Two Stars by Cesar Vallejo:
Beloved be the unknown man and his wife.
My fellow man with sleeves, neck and eyes!
Beloved be the one who sleeps on his back.
The one who wears a torn shoe in the rain.
Beloved be the bald man without hat.
The one who catches a finger in a door.
Beloved be the one who sweats out of pain or out of shame.
The one who pays with what he does not have...
Beloved be the ones who sit down.
Beloved be the one who works by the day, by the month, by the hour.
Beloved be the one who sweats out of pain or out of shame.
The person who goes, at the order of his hands, to the movies.
The one who pays with what he does not have...
The one who sleeps on his back.
The one who no longer remembers his childhood.
Beloved be the one who sits down.
Beloved be the just man without thorns.
The bald man without hat.
The thief without roses.
The one who wears a watch and has seen God.
The one who has honor and does not die!
Monday, September 21, 2009
mar adentro

he scolded me sternly
Stop complaining.
Remember how easy
your life is…
But still the waves
swell and surge.
Dark clouds drape
the eastern sky.
The colors of the sea
fading as I
am carried further
from the shore.
Saturday, September 5, 2009

Maybe some day I will be,
I cannot name the year or time.
Certainly I fear my soul will shun peace
Until that moment breaks.
But if escape offers some reprieve,
I will gratefully embrace its bounty.
I eagerly await its arrival to divert
The yellow noise of distraction
Into the calm blues of flight
I will return to the ample expanse
Where following breath leads to
Quiet void, most excellent and fair.
And finally sends me back to exquisite pain,
The customary price for touching bliss.
Monday, August 24, 2009
"It's always darkest just before it goes pitch black"

Storm's a' comin'... I can feel it.
My body braced for the full impact.
I can't control the weather.
All I can do is adjust the thermostat
inside my head.
So I'm boarding the windows,
battening the hatches,
securing the valuables
in preparation for the squall.
Then again, maybe I should let it all
blow away in a cyclonic clearing of the debris...
The gale-force winds could destroy me
or allow something new to emerge
from the wreckage.
The goal and my current mantra is to
surrender to opportunity...
Monday, August 17, 2009
one single solitary day

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
following my own voice

I am afraid I will never catch up
I will always be running hurriedly
To try and retrieve missed opportunities
But will feel like I am plodding
Taking two steps backward for each
one step forward.
Because I was born too late in life
And will surely never catch up
I must steal the adventures of the
Fearless and live vicariously
Through their exploits and follies
Lamenting the loss of my own life
Finding solace in back streets and alleys
Because I was born late in life
I fear I will never catch up
So I listen for the whispers in the night
Hoping for that one still small voice
That will guide me through the
Twists and turns of this existence
And maybe even sound a little bit like me..
Saturday, August 8, 2009
in a buk mood

Saturday, August 1, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
dusty mall ball

Sunday, July 26, 2009
a new day

Somehow the bright sun filled the room,
though windows were closed and curtains drawn.
The light crawled in through cracks and crannies
and spread through the darkened room,
as quickly as water flows from a broken glass.
With nowhere to hide and everything revealed,
The people donned bright clothes and festive hats.
Celebrations continued all day and through the night.
Joyous music spilled out of the windows and into the street.
Merriment overflowed from the room, floating in the night air.
Pachyderms and hyenas danced together in the mist.
The taste of contentment was sipped from every glass.
Revelers began to tire and curl up in the sunlit room to rest.
All is quiet; all is bright as sleep fell over the space.
They dreamt of the sun and the way it sparkles on the dew.