Wednesday, July 4, 2007


The road stretched out far into the distance,
heat waves shimmering on the horizon.
My thoughts reflected the bright sunshine.
Then his words brought me out of my reverie.
His warm voice resonated inside my skull.

I felt the ground circling in a turbulent orbit beneath me.
My eyes closing, I longed for a resting place to embrace.
I climbed a spiral staircase to a balcony
overlooking a sheltered lush garden.
I spread my arms to grasp a mighty oak
but instead found myself roaming through
a forest of gigantic oaks strewn with moss.

I stepped into the cool shadows,
each tread cushioned by fallen leaves.
Every step brought me closer home.
All paths led me to where I belong.
Now I lie down beside him
and listen for my cue.


MariaS said...

Rhonda I enjoy the fotography and the simple words but deep meaning of Pablo Neruda. Maria S

Anonymous said...

Oh, what beautiful textures. The ground is rich with leaves, and the wall has great textures, too. Plus the lines of the symmetrical arches. Really nice composition.