Thursday, November 8, 2018


The wasps have found a way
inside the little yellow house.
I watch from the
safe haven of my blue chair,
as they flit and skim
to and fro
across the wide expanse
of the ceiling.
Their droning buzz
filling the room as
they search…
Sometimes there is only
one lonely wasp, sometimes
four or five.
I don’t know how they get in.
I don't think they know either.
Did you know the pitch
of their buzzing noise
is based on the number of
wing beats per second?
Smaller wasps have more
wing beats so are high-pitched.
Larger wasps have less
and, therefore, are low-pitched.
I often wonder what
they are searching for
as they travel back and forth.
Is it food, a mate, or escape?
They often pause in their journey
Across the ceiling onto
one of the window panes.
I imagine them looking outside
wondering why they can’t reach it 
and how did they end up in this trap
on the wrong side of the glass.
Strange thing is (or maybe not strange)
they eventually start moving
slower and slower
making more stops 
as they travel
until they drop
and fall dead without
ever finding the desire
of their pursuit.

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