Today I am staying home from work recovering from a cold or the flu or something...watching the dark comedy, Songs from the Second Floor inspired by the poem Stumble Between Two Stars by Cesar Vallejo:
Beloved be the unknown man and his wife.
My fellow man with sleeves, neck and eyes!
Beloved be the one who sleeps on his back.
The one who wears a torn shoe in the rain.
Beloved be the bald man without hat.
The one who catches a finger in a door.
Beloved be the one who sweats out of pain or out of shame.
The one who pays with what he does not have...
Beloved be the ones who sit down.
Beloved be the one who works by the day, by the month, by the hour.
Beloved be the one who sweats out of pain or out of shame.
The person who goes, at the order of his hands, to the movies.
The one who pays with what he does not have...
The one who sleeps on his back.
The one who no longer remembers his childhood.
Beloved be the one who sits down.
Beloved be the just man without thorns.
The bald man without hat.
The thief without roses.
The one who wears a watch and has seen God.
The one who has honor and does not die!
I believe I am the one sitting in the chair in your photograph lately.
I know the feeling...my day of rest and relaxation turned into a dark comedy of it's own yesterday.
do tell.
hate to complain but suffice it to say the movie was the best part then my day (when I was supposed to be recovering) was filled with a stuck toilet (cloth diaper) causing sewage to back up in all sorts of drains, a grasscutter we don't trust cleaning gutters and doing the yard but cutting down our winter squash, dealing with a dog that needed to go to a shelter, plumbers all over the place, 4-yr old sneaking outside to watch the workers deciding the roof might be the best vantage point, rescuing 4 yr old, feeding children, laundry, dishwashers, crying children, exhusband, old lovers, finally dissolving into an evening with Jack on the verandah, being eaten by mosquitos, chasing children, cooking ,eating, cleaning, switching from Jack to wine, dealing with garbage, real and emotional, ending with a viewing of Hitchcock's Vertigo when my head was already spinning...but then again the next night I spent time in a meditation class feeling so peaceful so maybe it all balances out.
Now there's an entry!
Busy day... It's past by 2 in the morning and i just finshed seeing the movie. I can't say it's the best part of my day, i had a boring day although...
I liked the movie and the soundtrack.
What can i say about the movie...? Hmm... it reassured me on how hard is to put food on the table and enjoying yourself. The perfect movie for the economic crysis.
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