photo taken by Paul Boocock |
I will be the first to admit it has been a rough summer. Not whining, just fact! Recovering from chemo, the brain bleed and the seizure has been an uphill battle. Fatigue, lots of headaches and little sleep. Also, my magnesium levels have been low so I was going every week to have an IV infusion of magnesium to try and boost my energy. And, finally, because I am not on steroids anymore arthritis pain has increased making movement difficult. Painting a lovely picture of my life, aren't I? But I say all that to say this...I think I have begun to make a positive turn in my recovery...or at least a curve if not a full turn. I celebrated my birthday and retirement with friends and family. We are going to Florida to visit my sister and father. Today we joined the gym. A generous gift from my sister. I avoided going for a week but today was the day to begin the steps toward getting my life back on track. It wasn't easy, but to my surprise I didn't keel over from exhaustion. I did a few minutes on the elliptical machines, some exercises on weight machines and a short ride on the stationary bike. And I lived to tell the tale. The endorphins lifted my depression a bit. Next week I will go for my three month check up to see if I am still in remission. My father's conditions worsen and my sister has her hands full. But today I have hope...
Best wishes to you Rhonda. At least you are given a chance to fight.
Thank you...yes I will keep fighting!
You are brave and beautiful!
Awww...thank you...and so are you!
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